The final report is an official document, required by the LIFE funding program, and due to at the end of the project. This document includes an executive summary, an introduction, an administrative part, a technical part and the key-project level indicators.
The technical part, the widest part of the document, includes:
- A detailed description of each action: Objectives, results, deliverables, milestones, problems encountered.
- The main deviations, problems and corrective actions implemented.
- The evaluation of the project implementation, including the evaluation of the methodology applied, the comparison of results achieved against the objectives and expected results, the visible results, the results of the replication efforts, the effectiveness of the dissemination and the policy impact.
- Analysis of benefits, analysing the environmental benefits, the economic benefits, the social benefits, the replicability, transferability, cooperation, the best practice lessons, the innovation and demonstration value and the policy implications.