Experiences of preventive silvopasture in Alt Empordà

The LIFE MIDMACC project has contributed to the publication of the article on “Experiences of preventive silvopasture in Alt Empordà”, in the publication of the XXXVII Emili Garolera Conference Proceedings published by the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya.

Citation: Alay, O., Taüll, M., Pla, E., Villar, MP., Canals, J., Meya, D. 2020. Experiències de silvopastura preventiva a l’Alt Empordà.
In: Tusell, J. M., Beltrán, M., Monserrate, A. (eds). XXXVII Jornades Tècniques Silvícoles Emili Garolera. Pp: 70-83. ISBN: 978-84-09-26724-8