CREAF is a 30 year public research institution, focused on terrestrial ecology. CREAF’s main objective is to generate knowledge and create new methodological tools in the field of terrestrial ecology, with special emphasis on forest ecology, in order to improve environmental planning and management in rural and urban areas. A research line on Water and Global Change was created in 2008.
In LIFE MIDMACC, CREAF coordinates the project development and partner contributions, taking special attention to the institutional relationships and networking, and to the stakeholder links and relations. Moreover, CREAF is in charge of the design, implementation and monitoring of the adaptation measures of forest management and maintenance with extensive livestock farming in Catalonia, together with the support to upscaling processes and landscape change analysis and with the support to the design of Adaptation Guidelines for mid-mountain areas. Finally, CREAF carries out the project communication.
Javier Retana
PhD in Biology,
ecology professor and researcher at CREAF.
Follow us! @midmacc
CREAF – Edifici C. Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona). Spain
Tel: +34 93 581 46 75