LIFE ADAPTAMED main objective is the protection of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems. LIFE ADAPTAMED aims to mitigate the negative effect of Climate Change on key ecosystem services provided by three representative Mediterranean Natural Protected Areas (Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, Doñana National and Natural Park and Sierra Nevada and Natural Park) to local inhabitants and their socioeconomic sector. To achieve this objective LIFE ADAPTAMED’s central actions will follow an adaptive management framework tested in a pilot scale, aimed to improve resilience of the targeted socioecosystems. Communication and dissemination actions will ensure that the project results are effectively spread and fit the objectives established for the transferability of the project. A temporal and spatial multiscale indicator system will be implemented through monitoring the impact of the project actions.
The collaboration between the LIFE MIDMACC and LIFE ADAPTAMED projects is based on the contribution of the LIFE ADAPTAMED sustainable management manuals and protocols to the drafting and design of the LIFE MIDMACC mid-mountain adaptation guide. In addition, LIFE ADAPTAMED proposes that LIFE MIDMACC be one of the invited presentations at the project’s final symposium, scheduled for June 2021, to explain the project and explore synergies and avenues for future collaboration.
Coordinator: Regional Government of Andalusia