This document was produced by the representatives of 9 LIFE projects (LIFE PASTORALP, LIFE AGRICOLTURE, LIFE GRACE, LIFE IMAGINE, LIFE MIDMACC, LIFE REGENERATE, LIFE SHEPFORBIO, LIFE XEROGRAZING, LIFE CLIMAMED) and 1 “NOT-LIFE” project (SUSALPS) who were invited to join a hands-on workshop held during the final conference of LIFE PASTORALP project. All these projects deal with pastoral systems and global challenges representing different environments ranging from the Alps to the Mediterranean mountains.
This joint position paper is primarily aimed at providing concrete examples and ideas to address the issues found within the projects’ activities, using the opportunities “already on the table”. The authors did not want to just make a list of issues: instead, strong efforts were made to merge experiences, knowledge and results from these projects, trying to suggest ways of addressing the challenges, knowing that likely only a few of the examples could represent viable solutions.
This position paper has been recently shared with the DG AGRI, ENV and CLIMA of the European Unions, as well as with national and regional authorities interested on the topic to share: 1) their findings about the main issues and challenges affecting MPS and the related ecosystems services; 2) suggestions to foster the benefits provided by MPS, exploiting the outcomes of the LIFE projects involved