Transferability means to identify the adaptive landscape management practices that best suit other mid-mountain areas and to set up the basis for a real replicability. With this video, we explain the activities developed in the project for the technical advising and planning to implement these practices in other three European mid-mountain areas, whereas promoting the transfer of knowledge by organizing demonstration workshops and practical visits.
Southern European mountain areas are particularly sensitive to climate change. In addition, rural abandonment and the reduction of agricultural, livestock and forestry activities in recent decades have led to the gradual loss of the mosaic landscape and the advance of vegetation.
We have found that the implementation of adaptive management strategies based on traditional land uses, combined with innovative management techniques, are key to improving the environmental and socio-economic resilience of marginal mid-mountain areas. Thanks to the testing of different adaptive management approaches in eleven pilot cases, the LIFE MIDMACC project will make its solid experience and lessons learned available to other territories. We believe in the value of cooperation, that’s why we work with the motivation of achieving results and with the aim of sharing them. Take part in our replicability and transferability plan!
This video has been developed by The Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory of the Working Community of the Pyrenees in charge of the transferability and replicability of LIFE MIDMACC results.