On 25th February of 2021, the second meeting of the Supra-regional Working Group was held virtually with 10 representatives from all three territories participating in the project: Catalonia, Aragon and La Rioja.
The session consisted on three main blocs. The first bloc started with the presentation of the participants, followed by a short presentation of the project achievements along 2020 and the objectives of the session. The second bloc consisted on the presentation of the main results of the meetings of the three Regional Committees, hold by the end of 2020. The results were summarized in 45 adaptation measures for the mid-mountain areas, 15 per sector (agriculture and livestock, forests and population fixation). The stakeholders were asked to select the five more priority measures per sector. The final bloc consisted on two parts: a first part where a presentation about the Report on the Nature State in Catalonia 2020 was done by Núria Pou (CTFC). And a second part where the stakeholders could reflect on three questions related with the presentation about how LIFE MIDMACC can influence the adoption of adaptation actions in public policies in mid-mountain areas.