This deliverable presents the results obtained from the different ecohydrological simulations under diverse climatic and land cover changes taking into account the different land managements carried out in the different pilot experiences developed in actions C1 and C2. In addition, a detailed analysis of the landscape dynamics and changes in the three study basins over the last decades is presented.
The first section is an introduction about the study areas to contextualize the rest of the deliverable. The second section is a deep description about the different climatic and land use change scenarios applied in the simulations. The third section is an explanation about the methodology that has been carried out with RHESSYS (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System), the simulations and the results obtained in the three basins. The fourth section details the results of the landscape analysis in the three basins under the V-LATE software and finally, the fifth section summarizes the main conclusions obtained after the upscaling process.